The Appraisal Process



Professional appraisers have a time consuming, detail-oriented responsibility.   However, that is their job not yours.  For you the task is fairly simple and uncomplicated.  While the information below is not comprehensive it should be enough information to help you understand the process and make an informed decision to obtain the service that meets your requirements. 

Each appraisal is unique to the individual horse.

All appraisals are confidential.

Before the Appraisal - Initial Discussion

  1. The appraiser needs to know how you plan to use the appraisal. 
  2. Location of horse.
  3. Accessibility of all documents pertaining to the horse.  i.e. registration, breeding, health records, show records etc
  4. Contact information for veterinarian, trainer, previous owners (where necessary - determined by use of appraisal.
  5. Set a date for an “onsite” visit.
  6. A deposit may be required to confirm the appointment.

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On Site Visit

  1. The on site visit  requires considerable time for the  examination and taking photos.  

  2. Pertinent documentation should be made available prior to or at this time.

  3. Time should be allowed for questions and further discussion. 


After the Visit

  1. The appraiser conducts the research and verification stages of the appraisal, analyses all the data and then prepares the formal appraisal report.
  2. Further communication may be necessary to clarify information.
  3. The appraisal is delivered.  This could take a further 2-3 weeks.

If you require further information we would be happy to discuss the appraisal process in more depth. 

If this is a mortality situation it is possible to use such things as photographs, video, trainer/expert statements, or veterinary records providing the items supplied can be guaranteed as authentic. 

The Formal Report

This format and information contained in the report is determined by the intended use of the appraisal.  For example, the organization or content required for presentation to the courts would be different than that needed for insurance purposes or for an investment prospectus, or to support a sale.

A report includes a full description of the equine,  photographs, an analysis of conformation and gait, documentation as to registration, bloodline, performance records (where applicable) and any additional data that supports the conclusions and valuation.

Factors that Affect Value

Protect Your Financial Investment

Why an Appraisal Makes Good Horse Sense



Certified Member of The American Society of Equine Appraisers (ASEA)  #05905